Obras de A. J. Pearce



 A. J. Pearce

930 Pearce (A. J.) A Defence and Exposition of the Principles of Astrology : being a Popular Sketch of Celestial Philosophy in all its Branches, containing Answers to all Religious, Scientific, and Popular Objections, 8vo. London, 1863 BIBLTOTHECA ASTROLOGICA 113 

931 Pearce (A. J.) The Weather Guide Book, a Concise Exposition of Astronomic-Meteorology. 8vo. 141//. London, 1864 

932 Pearce (A. J.) Pearce's Weather Almanac for 1 865- 1 867, containing Predictions of the Weather for every day of the year, and also the probable Storm periods. 8vo. London 

933 Pearce (A. J.) The Science of the Stars. Small 4to. 202 pp. London, 1 88 1 — Another Edition^ \%(^Z A popular modern handbook on the science. 

934 [Pearce (A. J.)] The Crisis in Egypt : how it was Foreseen and Foretold, &c., by the author of " The Science of the Stars," &c. 8vo. 8 //. London, 1884 

935 Pearce (Alfred J.) The Text-book of Astrology, Vol. I., Genethlialogy (1879)—Vol. II., Mundane, AstroMeteorology, Medical and Horary Astrology, &c., 1889. 8vo. 2 vols. London A fine work by a popular writer, now out of print. 

Zadkiel (nº 3). \i.e. Alfred J. Pearce, who edited the Alnanack since 1876, and has written several important works on the science, vide Article\ 

1332 Zadkiel (Tao Sze) The Hand-book of Astrology by which every question of the future on which the mind is anxious may be truly answered. 2 vols. 8vo. London (1862-63) This work rapidly went out of print, it is held in high estimation. 

1333 Zadkiel (Tao Sze) on the Great First Cause : his Existence and Attributes. 8vo, wrappers. 48 pp, London, 1867 

1334 An Introduction to Astrology, by Wm. Lilly, with numerous emendations adapted to the improved 1 64 BIBLIOTHECA ASTROLOGICA State of the Science in the present day : a Grammar of Astrology, &c., by Zadkiel. 8vo. London, 1887 This edition is published in a popular form in " Bohn's Scientific Library," and for a work on Horary Astrology I can heartily recommend it. Lilly was a very successful student, and his remarks and suggestions are full of point and interest ; it is one of the most popular of our modern works ; I believe the first edition appeared in 1865, there have been several published subsequently.

